For 2 years, we were able to feed Elly what she wanted, when she wanted it, didn't have to worry about too much exercise and we were able to put her in her crib at night and know that she would wake in the morning because she had normal blood sugar levels. We didn't have to live on a strict schedule for meals and snacks because she didn't need insulin injections at certain times of the day. It was bliss. Then, on June 25, 2008 our world changed forever. June 25th happens to be Matt and I's anniversary, which will forever hold multiple meanings for us. That morning, Matt went to work as usual and I got Elly ready for swimming. We went and picked up grandma and off we went to swim class. Elly was very whiny and fatigued that day, which was very unusual for her, as she usually loved to swim. When I got her back home, she immediately fell asleep on me and slept for most of the day, which was very unusual, as she was usually quite active and napping really wasn't part of her vocabulary. When Matt returned home from work, I told him about our day and Elly's weird behavior. Matt was quite concerned about this but, at that point, we decided to just watch her, as I thought she might just be coming down with the flu. Elly had also been sucking down liquids like they were going out of style, and this she had been doing for about 6 months prior. Then, after dinner, she threw up. At that point, Matt insisted we take her into urgent care. He had this feeling that she was diabetic but I was still hopeful it was just the flu.
At urgent care they ushered us right into a room when they heard what her symptoms were. They were having trouble tracking down a blood glucose monitor to test Elly but luckily, Matt had his on him. When the result came back, her blood sugar was so high all the meter stated was "HIGH." At this point, we knew. And we could see it in the urgent care staff's eyes. They felt so sorry for us and our poor 2 year old that more likely than not has diabetes.
The urgent care staff called an ambulance to transport us to Doernbecher Children's Hospital. I rode in the ambulance with Elly while Matt followed with his mom (I had called his parents while we were waiting for the ambulance to arrive, as I didn't want him to be driving by himself). When we arrived at the hospital, we went directly to the ER. It was about that point where things really started to go south. Elly was slipping in and out of consciousness and they could not get an IV started in her due to her severe dehydration so they had to insert and IO into her knee so she could get the needed fluids. They then moved her to the PICU. By the time we arrived there, they were able to get an IV started. As the fluids continued to drip, a slow insulin drip was started s well, because at that point we learned that Elly's blood sugar was 616 at admittance.
Up until this point, Elly was placed in the cribs that look like cages, mostly due to her age. The problem with this is that she refused to sleep unless I was right next to her. So, I ended up sleeping in the crib with her! The PICU staff found this hilarious and said that they have never had a parent actually crawl into a crib with their child. By the end of the first night though, the staff took pity on me and we moved Elly into an actual bed, so long as someone was always in the bed with her, for safety. I really wish we had a picture of me in the crib with her because I'm sure it was quite a sight. I became very skilled at how to raise and lower the sides from the inside.
After 24 hours in the PICU, Elly's blood sugar had lowered enough that we were able to leave the PICU and go to a regular room. During the PICU time and after we moved into a regular room, we had extensive diabetic training. Luckily, due to our 'D' knowledge because of Matt, a lot of our training was abbreviated and we were able to mostly concentrate on the parts that applied to Elly rather than just the disease.
Since diagnosis, though, Elly has been thriving. She got used to MDI and last November we were able to start her on a pump. The pump has really changed 'D' care for us, and it was for the better. 'D' is easier to manage because pumps can deliver such small units of insulin. Just try to pull up 0.025 units of insulin in a syringe! Due to the pump, Elly has been able to be more like a kid and not have to live on such a schedule anymore. It has been wonderful. And then, at the end of last month, we have started her on a CGMS (continuous glucose monitoring). That has been wonderful. We can now look at a screen and know where her blood sugar approximately is, and the reading is taken every 5 minutes. It also will tell us which direction her blood sugar is going, and how fast it is moving. This has been wonderful. We have had a few blips with the CGMS but, overall, it has been a wonderful addition to our diabetes arsenal.
Elly is now 4 years old and will be starting preschool in about 3 weeks. While this thought scares me, I know that she needs to go and be with kids her age and have fun. It will only be 2 half days a week and, for now, that is enough. This will also prepare me for when she starts kindergarten in a year.
Elly is such a happy and beautiful little girl. I am so blessed to be able to say that I am her mom and look forward to what the future holds for my little girl. She may have diabetes but diabetes does not have her.
Thanks for sharing. Westin was also sleeping a lot the day before diagnosis. He was 2. D definitely wasn't on our radar and we are thankful everyday that we caught it in time. :) Keep up the good work, Mom.